inspiration, Projects

Inktober 2019

This year was the first year that I decided to follow the official prompt list, as I’d never done that before and wanted to give it a go! The list was as follows:


Following my tradition, I decided to post approx 4 images at a time so as not to clog my feed (and hopefully so that I didn’t skip a day!). I’d bought a label maker which I had yet to use and this felt like the perfect opportunity! Do you have one? You should get one. Have you got one yet? LABEL ALL THE THINGS. It’s incredibly satisfying.

Anyway, racking my brains and trying to stick to a ‘nature’ theme (appointed by myself as it feels like a pressing year to bring attention to it) here’s what I came up with over the course of the month:

I found that I spent more time trying to think of an idea to draw than on the execution and style of the pieces.. and ultimately ended up enjoying the whole thing significantly less! Instead of feeling ’inspired’ by the prompts I found myself quite hindered, so I’m not sure I’ll be using a list again, or if I do, maybe try and stick to a visual execution. I know thinking of each drawing as a tattoo has worked well in the past. Anyway you live and learn, and that’s what it’s all about!

Bring on the close-ups!

You may be able to tell, the most excitement I had was on the word ‘ghost’ where I thought I’d do the image in negative. It was my first time using masking fluid and ink from a pot… I really went for it! I recommend it as much as getting a label maker. Especially if you enjoy peeling glue off things… I can’t be the only one.

Thanks for following what I’m up to, even though my posts are awfully sporadic (and in this case super-late). Keep creating!

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